Build your own system

If you want to get organised fast, you should check out the Quick Start: 'Life admin' pack. But if you know you want more -- if you're planning on organising a hobby, or your job -- you're going to want to build your own system.

The Workbook documents that process. It's how I build systems: in fact, we used it to build 'life admin'.

Step-by-step instructions

After answering this question for a decade -- how do I build my own system? -- I realised that I needed a foolproof, step-by-step guide.

It's as methodical as I could make it. If you do what it says, in the order it says, you can't fail.

As always, there's a world of support available on the forum, Discord, or you can mail me directly, but…

...people don't mail me as much now

This is how I measure the Workbook's success: since publishing it, the number of people emailing me with questions has plummeted. So it works. :-)

It's helped hundreds of people to be more organised. I guarantee it will help you -- and if you don't like it, for any reason, you can have your money back (and keep it, and the 'life admin' pack).

Includes 'life admin'

We spent hundreds of hours designing a system that I think is near perfect. That's 'life admin'. So it would be silly for you not to learn from that: to see its patterns and to take inspiration from them.

That's why the Workbook includes a copy of the pack. Use it to organise the stuff we all do, and use the Workbook to sort the stuff that makes you unique.

An overview of the process

We've kept it tight (Lucy was an editor in a former life), but it contains everything that I know. The process should take you about a month.

  • 10-19 Define your system's scope

    • First, we set the goals for your system and draw a boundary around what you want to organise. This keeps you focused.

  • 20-29 Discovery

    • Then you spend a week writing down everything you do that's related to your scope. This ensures you don't miss anything.

  • 30-39 Create your areas & categories

    • Next, you sort your discovery notes into different groups. Now you have a structure.

  • 40-49 Build your system

    • Then you add numbers, create IDs, and move your content in. You now have a working Johnny.Decimal system.

  • 50-59 The index

    • It's time to create the master record of your IDs, your JDex. It will transform how you work. You should now feel organised and calm.

  • 60-69 Working the Decimal way

    • Finally, after your amazing efforts, we relax with a few tips, tricks, and general advice.

Download a preview of the workbook here.

Start building today

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Life admin 🗂️ ▷ $15 ◁
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Workshop 🎥 📙 🗂️ ▷ $60 ◁

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Ben, in a 5-star review on Gumroad, said:

A must have for anyone who's serious about their work or digital life! ... Best money I've spent on a digital product in ages.

Zsolt, via email, said:

The document is so precise, so content focused ... Absolutely brilliant work!

Alan, in a 5-star review on Gumroad, said:

A simple but powerful way to organize your digital life.

Paul, in a 5-star review on Gumroad, said:

I would recommend purchasing the Workshop as well. A lot of work has gone in to it, it's … exceptional value for money.

Anon, via Discord, said (this one's my favourite):

Thank you johnny.decimal with your principle I finally find the inner peace.

Pre-built JD systems ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Life Admin: the stuff we
all manage day-to-day. How
Johnny organises his life.

Small business: stop losing
important files. Focus on
your business; let us be
your in-house admin.

Save hundreds of hours.
We figured it out so that
you don't have to.
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