This is the index page for 10-19 Concepts.

11 Core concepts

  • 11.01 Introduction

    Johnny.Decimal is a system to organise your life. Find things, quickly, with more confidence, and less stress. It's free to use and the concepts are the same at home or work.

  • 11.02 Areas and categories

    Johnny.Decimal numbers have a specific format. Here we look at areas and categories, the two digits before the decimal that define our system's structure.

  • 11.03 IDs

    Johnny.Decimal numbers have a specific format. Here we look at IDs, the two-digit counter after the decimal where we store our content.

  • 11.04 Philosophy

    The philosophy behind Johnny.Decimal is simple. To help you find things, quickly, with more confidence, and less stress.

  • 11.05 The index/JDex

    A Johnny.Decimal index (or JDex) is the master record of every ID in a system. It keeps you even more organised and will transform how you work.

  • 11.06 Saving files

    Learn how to save files to save your sanity. Your new superpower is naming files by using the date correctly and storing them in neatly-sorted subfolders.

  • 11.07 Keeping notes

    Note-keeping is one of my favourite uses of Johnny.Decimal. See how to do it more effectively by using your JDex. Now they're all in one findable place.

  • 11.08 The Librarian

    A Johnny.Decimal Librarian oversees the system. At home or work, their time keeping it neat and up to date is repaid many times over.

12 Advanced concepts

  • 12.01 Managing email

    Who loves email? (Crickets chirping). Here's some top-line strategies for dealing with it at home and work. Including my endangered Microsoft Outlook trick.

  • 12.02 Other JDex methods

    Here's two more ways to keep your index/JDex -- as a single note or a database. And some advantages and disadvantages for each method.

  • 12.03 The standard zeros

    The standard zeros are a handy set of consistently-numbered 'buckets'. They can store information at the top of areas and categories in the unused space at 00-09.

  • 12.04 Working at the command line

    For green screen nerds, the structured nature of the Johnny.Decimal numbering system makes working at the command line even more of a joy.

  • 12.05 AC.ID notation

    Johnny.Decimal numbers are made up of the area-category combo before the decimal, then the ID after. We call this AC.ID notation.

13 System expansion

  • 13.01 Introduction

    The Johnny.Decimal structure is simple by design. But life doesn't always fit in a neat box. I outline three options for system expansion here.

  • 13.11 Multiple systems

    To manage multiple Johnny.Decimal systems, assign an identifier to the front of each one. We refer to this as SYS.AC.ID.

  • 13.21 Expand an area

    Some things don't fit in a standard Johnny.Decimal structure. But fear not. By expanding an area, more depth can be created where we need it.

  • 13.31 Extend the end

    To manage more than 100 Johnny.Decimal IDs in a category or an ID that 'repeats' in some way, assign an identifier to the end. We refer to this as AC.ID+SUB.

14 Build your system

  • 14.01 Do it yourself

    Build your own Johnny.Decimal system with this do-it-yourself guide. This is a summary of the process used in the workbook and workshop.

  • 14.11 'Life admin' pack

    Johnny.Decimal Quick Start is a standard folder template to organise your 'life admin' -- fast. We spent a hundred hours designing it so that you don't have to.

  • 14.21 The workbook

    The Johnny.Decimal Workbook is a PDF guide to setting up your own system. Feel calm when your life is neatly organised and tracked in your JDex.

  • 14.22 The workshop

    The Johnny.Decimal Workshop is a video course for setting up your own system. Feel calm when your life is neatly organised and tracked in your JDex.

15 Patterns and templates

  • 15.01 Introduction

    The Johnny.Decimal system has evolved after a decade of public use. Here we'll discuss various standard and non-standard patterns that have been observed.

  • 15.02 Creative pattern

    Here we talk about the 'creative pattern' -- a proposal for expanding the Johnny.Decimal structure to create more depth to accommodate creative work.

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