
  • Version: 2025-03-30 6.3.0.
  • Released: .

Stay up to date: refer to the communications plan.

Release notes

  • 2024-09-28 6.3.0

  • 2024-09-21 6.2.0

    • Style: re-architected the site so that it displays properly when zoomed. It was a bit of a mess before.
  • 2024-09-18 6.1.0

  • 2024-09-08 6.0.11

    • Style: tried to improve the experience when you increase the font size. Previously, my fixed-width blocks (e.g. navigation) would grow, causing the viewport to scroll horizontally. It didn't handle this well.

      • Now, the font size on these fixed-width elements doesn't increase. You can still pinch-to-zoom if you need them larger. As a result they don't overflow, and the body text is free to grow.

      • Feedback on this and any other accessibility issues is always welcome. I'll prioritise fixing any a11y issues.

    • Content: the first 'further reading' section has been added to the bottom of 12.03.

  • 2024-08-22 6.0.4

    • Code: much improved the image loader, so it now handles dark/light and desktop/mobile images 'properly'. Thanks to Houssam.

    • Style: replaced the in call-out boxes with » so it doesn't look like a click-to-expand reveal button.

  • 2024-08-17 6.0.0

    • Content: site-wide rewrite to align with current thinking.

    • Every page has had a refresh, or has a note to say that it will get one soon.

    • Style: replaced body serif with Berkeley Mono. It's now the only font we use. :-)

For the SemVer nerds

I'll add release notes for MAJOR and MINOR updates. This indicates that content was changed.

PATCH updates are typos, visual tweaks, and other back-end 'fixes', and might not receive release notes.

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